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Using Third-Party Scripts

use-react-workers is a powerful library that allows you to run JavaScript code in a separate thread using Web Workers. One of the features of this library is the ability to use third-party scripts within the worker.

How to Use Third-Party Scripts

To use a third-party script, you need to pass the URL of the script to the remoteDependencies option when you initialize the worker hook (useWorker, useWorkerFunc, etc..). The remoteDependencies option accepts an array of URLs.

Here’s an simple example using the mathjs library:

const [mathWorker, { status }] = useWorkerFunc(mathFunc, {
remoteDependencies: [''],

In this example, the mathjs library is loaded into the worker’s context and can be used anywhere within the mathFunc


Here’s an example of how you can use a third-party script in a worker:

import { useWorkerFunc } from 'use-react-workers';
function myFunction(n) {
return self.math.floor(n);
function MyComponent() {
const [myWorker, { status }] = useWorkerFunc(myFunction, {
remoteDependencies: [''],
return (
<button onClick={() => myWorker(2.6)}>Calculate</button>
<p>Status: {status}</p>

Ca In this example, the myFunction function uses the floor function from the mathjs library. The mathjs library is loaded into the worker’s context using the remoteDependencies option.